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教研室副主任 陈硕平 研究员
日期:2019-06-17 作者: 编辑: 点击数:


一、教 育/工 作 背 景

2003.9-2007.6 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院应用化学专业 2007.6获理学学士学位

2007.9-2012.6 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院应用化学专业 攻读理学博士学位

2009.1-2009.7 美国北达科他州立大学化学系 交流学生/研究助手

2012/7 –至今 bwin必赢,Bwin·必赢,广西有色金属及特色材料加工国家重点实验室培育基地,教师

二、科 研 情 况

2005年起参加科研工作,研究方向包括:(1) 新型有机膦酸及其配合物的合成、结构与功能特性研究;(2) 有机酸碱构筑的超分子胶凝材料的合成、结构与功能特性研究;(3) 有机酸碱构筑的超分子荧光转换材料的合成、结构与功能特性研究;(4) 新型减水剂的合成与功能特性研究。



1. Shuo-ping Chen*, Pu Deng, Chu-feng Yuan and Liangjie Yuan, A novel organic salt with water/humidity-induced fluorescence switching and heat-induced coloration performance, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 1414-1420.

2.Shuo-ping Chen, Le Hu, Yu-qin Zhang, Pu Deng, Cong Li, Xi Chen, Liang-jie Yuan*, (AEDPH3)·(BtaH): A novel supramolecular plaster with formaldehyde adsorption and formaldehyde/ultraviolet ray-induced luminescence switching performance,Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 552–554

3. Shuo-ping Chen, Yu-qin Zhang, Le Hu, Hong-zhen He, Liang-jie Yuan*, Hydrogen-bonded assembly of aminophosphonic anions: different 1D, 2D and 3D supramolecular architectures, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 3327–3336.

4. Shuo-ping Chen, Hu Le, Xue-jia Hu, Yi-xuan Yuan, Ling-ling Pan, Liang-jie Yuan*, (AEDPH3)·(ureaH)·(H2O): A Novel Organic Supramolecular Plaster with Gas Adsorption Performance, Cryst. Growth Des. 2009, 9, 3835-3839.

5. Shuo-ping Chen, Ling-ling Pan, Yi-xuan Yuan, Xi-xi. Shi, Liang-jie Yuan*, A Novel Supramolecular Resin Based On an Organic Acid-Base Compound, Cryst. Growth Des. 2009, 9, 2668-2673.

6. Shuo-ping Chen, Yi-xuan Yuan, Ling-ling Pan, Shu-qin Xu, Han Xia, Liang-jie Yuan*, A Novel Supramolecular Plaster Based on An Organic Acid-Base Compound: Synthesis, Structure, Mechanical Properties and Sterilizing Performance, Cryst. Growth Des. 2009, 9, 874-879.

7.Shuo-ping Chen, Guang-xi Huang, Ming Li, Ling-ling Pan, Yi-xuan Yuan, Liang-jie Yuan*, New in Situ Condensation Reaction of Amino Diphosphonic Acids: A Series of Bicyclic Phosphonate Derivatives and Three Novel Water Clusters, Cryst. Growth Des. 2008, 8, 2824-2833.

8. Shuo-ping Chen, Ming Li, Yong Xiao, Yi-xuan Yuan, Ling-ling Pan and Liang-jie Yuan*, Hydrogen-bonded assembly of [Ni(Im)6]2+ ion and phosphorus anions: Different sandwiched-type/tessellate-type supramolecular architectures and 1D water chains, CrystEngComm. 2008, 10, 1227-1236.

9. Shuo-Ping Chen, Yi-Xuan Yuan, Ling-Ling Pan, Liang-Jie Yuan*, Vertical Interpenetration of 1D Water Column and 1D Coordination Polymer Chain, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. 2008, 18, 384-390.

10. Shuo-ping Chen, Yan Guo, Qiao-lan Chen, Ming Li, Liang-jie Yuan*, Ju-tang Sun, Synthesis and structures of three novel triphosphonate compounds containing d10 transition metal ions, J. Coord. Chem. 2008, 61, 973–983.

11. Shuo-ping Chen, Ming Li, Qiao-lan Chen,Yan Guo, Si-min Wu, Liang-jie Yuan*, Ju-tang Sun, Two Novel Metal Phosphonate Compounds: Different One-Dimension Chain Structures Constructed by Imidazole and 1-Aminoethylidenediphosphonic Acid, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. 2007, 17, 665–672.


地 址:广西桂林市建干路12号bwin必赢

联系电话: 18076751856

E-mail: chenshuoping_777@163.com


